These past few months have been a lot, to say the least. I’ve been dealing with my mental health, and took a step back from most of my life to figure out what’s really important to me. While I am *so* far from out of the woods, I’ve had a bit of clarity today about my personal direction and how that might translate into this blog.

I started this blog to share what’s important to me. To share my passions. And while I’ve shared a little of what I’m passionate about, I haven’t really been vulnerable in my sharing, and I haven’t shared what’s closest to my heart out of fear of both rejection, and that by sharing it, it might no longer be my own.

I still want this blog to be filled with my various passions, and the only way to do that is to share them. And the only way to do that is to let my currently surprisingly numerous readers into my chaotic process of trying to coax personally enjoyable words and sounds out of the world around me.

So, I’ll try to take more pictures, capture more creative moments, and share more of what I’m doing – even if it means showing the messy side of things. The hundreds (likely thousands at this point!) of ideas that never end up becoming a “final product” that I would feel more comfortable opening myself up to judgement over, coming to you half-baked

With that in mind, I’m going to post my favorite thing I’ve created each week on Saturday in the Weekly Fav section. This may be a photo, a poem, a bit of music, or some visual art. It may be something else entirely, but whatever it is, it will be something close to my heart that you can peer into, fellow stranger on the internet. And on the subject of strangers, I’ve set the site up for comments – so if you’re interested in what I’ve written about, feel free to drop me a line!

Additionally, I’m going to try to post daily – whatever I’m working on that day – starting today in the Daily Updates section. I hope to see you there!